
John’s All-Encompassing Plan for 2009!

Right. The holidy is over, the job done in two weeks, and various things are coming into place to make 2009 a year in which John makes the foundation from which he shall save/destroy the world!

Phase 1

Phase one revolves the primary axis of studies. After finally chasing down the university, I am now safely tucked away and registered for my Masters at Wits. I shall be studying such amazing and wonderful things as Strategic Studies (war), Development (peace), International Organisations (NGO’s who pick up the pieces post-war), International Economics (Financiers of either war or peace) and so on.

It’s cool in so many ways I could never explain in justifiable terms without alienating a large portion of my social network, but rest assured that it’s precisely what I want. I had been banking on returning to SA to do postgrad studies since early 2008 when I declined to recontract in Japan. Thus actually finally being enrolled is a huge affirmating sigh of relief. Later on this month or next I intend to continue my post-Japan redux saga, as I have discovered several interesting and internal things on which I feel the need to expound! Regardless, for now all one needs to know is that I am back in university; cloistered away from the turmoil of the financial markets and job losses. Being jobless and utterly uninterested in full-time work for a year is nice. Poverty is not so nice. But the pro’s outweigh the con’s so far.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is basically things I need to get my arse in gear and do once I finish work. First and foremost is health. Following daily soccer practice/snowboarding/walking/general exercise in Japan, I have done virtually stuff-all since being back in SA. This shall change! Wits Hockey, Some running on the track, and maybe some squash if I can find some willing friends who want to play. They will be resumed, and I shall be good at them. After all, if I can’t humiliate an opponent/team/fellow jogger, what is the point? Certainly it’s not about personal goals. Heavens no. It’s about humiliation so that I can feel good about myself. Yes…

Keeping along with that track is debating. I am still horrendously inexperienced but, with a really cool National Championship this year I feel I should give it my best crack this year. I shall need to find a partner who is moderately intelligent and who can deal with my crippling humility , lest I speak with some common peasant who cannot keep up with my vast intellect and shining eloquence. This is important, as debating is all about mental masturbation. If I can’t be smug, I’m doing something wrong.

And that’s it really. I have no further machinations which I feel particularly inclined towards. Post-holidays I have a mountain of books to read (Hemingway is still currently the firm favourite, as I have demolished several more of his works), I need to find a bag to take to varsity, and I need to blog more. Reading Charlie Dunhoff’s blog – a Hamatonbetsu ALT who updates on a virtually daily basis – makes me extremely aware of my comparative laziness. Finding the willpower to write stuff was traditionally borne from Monday afternoon boredom at school in Takushin. With no classes left to teach in, nor elementary schools in which to frolic, easily 80% of my Japan posts were written at my desk at the Junior High. Now, however, I find I write only when I feel a particularly strong compulsion to do so. Makes for random and intermittent thought-farts, but at least it’s something I guess!

My music video of the week. Rise Against – Re-education (through labour):

Written by admin in: Africa,Books,Things Japanese |


  • John,

    Music isn’t my cup of tea, but like the plan. Particularly your strategic studies course. Fascinated to hear how they teach such concepts within an academic context. When do you begin? Also, what is wits hockey? Finally, looking forward to more japan redux.

    On a seperate note, thanks for the advice about the taiwan program. Actually had been considering China’s little brother. Any chance I could get the contact info of your buddies who’ve done it?


    Comment | January 27, 2009
  • Did you get my earlier comment?

    Comment | January 27, 2009
  • I guess not.

    Like the plan, especially the war class. Looking forward to hearing how that’s taught in an academic setting. Stay careful with the mental personal pleasuring. Like the weekly music video idea, but this edition wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. Finally, looking forward to the reduxes.


    Eep! I finally tracked down the original. You’re not going insane, I’m just spastic with WordPress control panels – John

    Comment | January 27, 2009

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