
Stating the Obvious

In case nobody’s noticed my site has been completely revamped and, dare I say, restored to 100% functionality. Much thanks to my stalwart sibling for fixing it all, installing the theme, and patiently letting me pick the perfect wallpaper. Also, the blogroll has been updated with blogs that are actually updated, including Charlie Dunhoff, an ALT who lives in Sarufutsu’s neighbouring town of Hamatonbetsu, where Chris and I normally embarked upon numerous shenanigans. He’s a prolific writer and includes lots of photos, so it’s definitely well worth a looksee.

Also, the archives now work! Hurrah!

Something else which is obvious to everyone but me, but losing a friend sucks! A very good friend of mine recently left for the sunny scandinavian polar regions and for a few days I’ve wondered what this empty, icky feeling was. At first I thought it might have been the spaghetti I made for dinner, but then I realised that I was actually sad. Genuinely, egte waarde sad.

Who woulda thunk it. John has feelings…

Written by admin in: Africa,Things Japanese |

1 Comment

  • aimzy

    hey, looking good! (the site, not you) but i guess you look pretty good too. sorry to hear about the friend >.< o hay, cocktails.

    Comment | November 22, 2008

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